What is the Preferred Resume Length? – Accountemps Study

| workforce-vision.com | strategy-matrix.com | billinman.com

Accountemps, the world’s largest temporary staffing company for accounting, finance, and bookkeping professionals, recently published the results of a poll of 150 senior executives (HR, finance, and marketing) from the nation’s 1,000 largest companies – “Resumes Inching Up“. The executives were asked “What is the preferable length of a resume for staff-level employees and executives?” Here are the results:

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Read the press release to find out more about the Do’s and Dont’s of what to include in a resume.

Resumes Inching Up. [Accountemps]


Career Hacker * http://www.careerhacker.com * By Bill Inman * http://www.billinman.com

One response to “What is the Preferred Resume Length? – Accountemps Study

  1. Interesting statistics.
    You would have thought that with time becoming more valuable that Resumes would have shrunk in size, or is it that people are having to “sell” themselves more at this stage?

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