10 Tips to Earning Respect at Work

Respect. Career Hacker Bill InmanLooking for more respect at the office? Here are 10 tips to earning it:

1. Consistently complete projects on time
2. Refrain from complaining or criticizing
3. Follow through on your commitments
4. Speak up in meetings, but don’t dominate the discussion.
5. Know your stuff
6. Be willing to engage in difficult conversations
7. Communicate with confidence
8. Stay off the grapevine (gossip)
9. Take time to genuinely connect with people
10. Treat people the way you want to be treated

How to Earn Respect at the Office. [Relational Advantage, Inc.]

 Also see:

Gaining Office Respect is Key to Your Career. [Careerhacker – Oct 22, 2006]

Career Hacker * www.careerhacker.com * By Bill Inman * www.billinman.com

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